ŚWIEBODA Justyna Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, justyna.swieboda@pwr.edu.pl
Abstract: Together with the development of new technologies, the interest in intermodal transport has been growing dynamically as one of its main advantages includes transporting goods over long distances. Intermodal transport is defined as transporting an integrated load unit, such as a container, a swap body or a semi-trailer, by more than one means of transport. [..] Read more
KIERZKOWSKI Artur Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland
Co-authors: KISIEL Tomasz
Abstract: The article presents a developed simulation model of the check-in process of passengers using air transport. The model allows a detailed analysis of the process taking into account the typology of air carriers. [..] Read more
CHAMIER-GLISZCZYŃSKI Norbert Technical University of Koszalin, Faculty of Technology and Education, Poland, EU, norbert.chamier-gliszczynski@tu.koszalin.pl
Abstract: Problems related to congestion, pollutants emitted by road transport and decreased road safety are increasingly grave issues of present-day cities. To address these problems, literature and strategic EU documents propose measures aimed at an implementation of sustainable urban mobility. [..] Read more
BRZÓSKA Jan Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Organization and Management, Gliwice, Poland, EU, jan.brzoska@polsl.pl
Abstract: Provision of power safety is one (next to growth of competitiveness and power efficiency of economy and reduction of power industry impact on the environment) of the main goals and priorities of Polish power policy until 2050. It level depends on many factors among which electrical energy supplies safety is very important. [..] Read more
DEMBIŃSKA izabela University of Szczecin, Faculty of Management and Economic of Services, Department of Logistics, Szczecin, Poland, EU, izabela.dembinska@wzieu.pl, blanka.tundys@wzieu.pl
Co-authors: TUNDYS Blanka
Abstract: The principles of the sustainable development, in particular those are derived from the ecological area, more and more and increasing extent determine the organizational and functional aspects of the supply chain. The contemporary supply chains must be not only resilient, agile and smart. [..] Read more
WIŚNIEWSKA-SAŁEK Anna Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Częstochowa, ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 69, 42-201 Częstochowa, Poland, EU, annaw@zim.pcz.pl
Abstract: Material resources management is one of the most important aspects of the functioning of enterprises, particularly the companies of the SME sector. They constitute the greatest economic strength both in Poland and the whole of Europe. [..] Read more
ČUCHTOVÁ Daniela VRP ZaSS – FBERG, Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovak Republic, EU
Co-authors: PITOŇÁKOVÁ Eva NAŠČÁK Dušan
Abstract: The success in production sphere lies in the art of the “right product” production, in right quantities, in right time, in good quality and for the price which is acceptable for the customer. The ability of the company to react flexible to the requirements of the market is one of its competitive advantages. [..] Read more
Hrablik Chovanová Henrieta Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, Paulínská 16, 91724 Trnava, Slovak Republik, EU, henrieta.chovanova@stuba.sk
Co-authors: Horňáková Natália Babčanová Dagmar
Abstract: The article deals with use of operational research methods in logistics field. Most frequently used methods within logistics are: theory of charts and grids, special methods to solve transportation tasks, distribution problems and naturally methods of mathematical programming (most often used is linear programming). [..] Read more
ZAJĄC Mateusz Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, mateusz.zajac@pwr.edu.pl
Co-authors: ŻOŁĘDZIOWSKA Anna
Abstract: Intermodal transport based on exchanging containers needs effective and efficient functioning of land terminals. The article presents a heuristic method, which combines the issues of scheduling loading machine operation and its route in the fulfilment of carriage-yard transport orders. [..] Read more
TUBIS Agnieszka Wroclaw University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland, EU, agnieszka.tubis@pwr.edu.pl
Co-authors: GRUSZCZYK Adam
Abstract: The timeliness index for the performance of the service is one of basic parameters of the assessment of the efficiency of logistics system operation. The results of surveys of passenger preferences nearly always identify punctuality as one of the three most important and also most recognizable features, which describe the functioning of public transport in a city. [..] Read more
NOWAKOWSKA-GRUNT Joanna Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Poland, EU, J.H. Dabrowskiego 69, 42-201 Czestochowa, jnowakowskagrunt@onet.eu, agata.mesjasz@poczta.fm, rsalek@zim.pcz.pl
Co-authors: MESJASZ-LECH Agata SAŁEK Robert
Abstract: The goal of the article is to determine the influence of ERP and CRM systems on the economic results of businesses in relation to particular voivodships in Poland. The analysis involves the following variables: Number of companies using ERP software packages for transmitting information between different departments (e.g., accounting, marketing, production), Number of companies using CRM software to collect and storage information on customers as well as provide information access to other organizational units. [..] Read more
GIEL Robert Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland, EU
Co-authors: PLEWA Marcin
Abstract: An intensive population growth, progressing social and economic development processes and growing urbanization of rapidly developing countries significantly translate into an increase in the amount of generated waste. At present, approx. [..] Read more
KUBICA Stanislav VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, stanislav.kubica@vsb.cz
Co-authors: BESTA Petr SIKOROVÁ Andrea ŠVECOVÁ Eva MYNÁŘ Martin
Abstract: This paper represents the sketch of the new method of material supply to the robotic workplaces in a company from automotive. This work concerns the analysis of the contemporary state and the sketch of the new method of importing materials in the form of milk run. [..] Read more
Vrlíková Jana Technical University of Košice, Faculty BERG, Institute of Logistics, Košice, Slovak Republic, EU, jana.vrlikova@tuke.sk, nikoleta.husakova@tuke.sk
Co-authors: Husáková Nikoleta
Abstract: The main goal of the paper is to present outputs of the case study realized by researchers of the Institute of Logistics, Faculty BERG, Technical University of Košice. The case study was oriented to the problem of reverse logistics and its application for wastes. [..] Read more
FEDORKO Gabriel Technical University of Košice, Faculty BERG, Košice, Slovakia, EU, gabriel.fedorko@tuke.sk, matus.hegedus@tuke.sk
Co-authors: HEGEDŰŠ Matúš ČUJAN Zdeněk
Abstract: Effective operation of business logistics processes is the main aim in the majority of companies acting in various industries where mechanical engineering is no exception. For the correct operation of the production process is necessary to carry out quality analysis for its implementation can be used a wide range of methods and tools. [..] Read more
Mikhailov Aleksandr National Mineral Resources University (Mining University), Saint Petersburg, Russia, epc68@mail.ru
Abstract: The rapidly growing biofuel industry poses considerable challenges to its supply chain network design and operations. Along with coal, natural gas and nuclear power, one of the most important sources of energy is peat. [..] Read more
HORŇÁKOVÁ Natália Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, EU, natalia.hornakova@stuba.sk, helena.makysova@stuba.sk, jana.samakova@stuba.sk
Co-authors: MAKYŠOVÁ Helena SAMÁKOVÁ Jana
Abstract: Presented paper is a part of the dissertation thesis titled as “A proposal of methodology for developing a logistics strategy for industrial companies in Slovakia. The main aim of the paper is to propose and present methodology for developing logistics strategy for industrial companies in Slovakia based on theoretical knowledge gained by studying domestic and foreign literature and analysis of the current state of the logistics strategies issues in industrial companies in Slovakia, as well as surveys conducted abroad. [..] Read more
FEDORKO Gabriel Technical University of Košice, Faculty BERG, Košice, Slovakia, EU, gabriel.fedorko@tuke.sk, matus.belusko@tuke.sk, matus.hegedus@tuke.sk
Co-authors: BELUŠKO Matúš HEGEDŰŠ Matúš
Abstract: Belt conveyors are used in numerous in-house logistics systems. It is necessary to know properties of these conveyor belts for their effective functioning. [..] Read more
BUBEL Dagmara Main Library of Częstochowa University of Technology, Poland, EU, dagmarab@bg.pcz.pl
Abstract: Projects implemented in the area of logistics are more and more often distinguished within the activity of modern enterprises and supply chains. They represent the practical aspect of solutions that should be implemented to avoid or mitigate problems connected with the flow of materials, knowledge, information and finances. [..] Read more
SANIUK Anna University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Szafrana 4, 65-516 Zielona Góra, Poland, EU, a.saniuk@iizp.uz.zgora.pl
Co-authors: SANIUK Sebastian
Abstract: Nowadays the main objective of logistics is to optimize the management process of product flow. The completion of logistics functions in the enterprise requires an increasing amount of various information, which allows costs and proper functioning of logistics processes to be specified. [..] Read more
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