LEWCZUK Konrad Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland, EU, kle@wt.pw.edu.pl, j.zak@wt.pw.edu.pl, maja@wt.pw.edu.pl, mwa@wt.pw.edu.pl
Co-authors: ŻAK Jolanta JACYNA Marianna WASIAK Mariusz
Abstract: The paper presents elements of formal model of warehouse process based on selection of technologically plausible material flow itineraries according to time of realization and space, labour and equipment resources constrains. Model includes structure of supplies and shipments from warehouse facility and types of materials. [..] Read more
JAGODA Agnieszka Wroclaw University of Economics, Faculty of Economics Management and Tourism, Wroclaw, Poland, EU
Co-authors: KOLAKOWSKI Tomasz
Abstract: The aim of the article is to present the characteristics of project team operation in supply chains. The authors concentrated on issues such as the composition of project teams, their size, the way of team management, the tools used for managing the team, as well as on the object of their operation and the extent of reaching the objectives within a supply chain. [..] Read more
ZIMON Grzegorz Rzeszow University of Technology, Department of Finance, Banking and Accountancy, Rzeszow, Poland, gzimon@prz.edu.pl
Abstract: The aim of this article is to assess and analyze inventory management in commercial companies forming branch purchasing groups. In the article the functioning principles of the purchasing groups and organizations of logistics in this type of groups were discussed. [..] Read more
CHAMIER-GLISZCZYŃSKI Norbert Technical University of Koszalin, Faculty of Technology and Education, Poland, EU, norbert.chamier-gliszczynski@tu.koszalin.pl
Abstract: A description of a complex reality in a simplified form, which can be used in research, constitutes the basic purpose of modelling. A system of city logistics interpreted as a system of elements involved in the flow of people, freight and information in urbanized areas is such a complex picture in urbanized areas. [..] Read more
DULEWICZ Przemysław University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra, Poland, EU, p.dulewicz@wez.uz.zgora.pl
Abstract: The aim of article is to draw attention to the problem of reverse logistics of electronic products exemplified with mobile phones. This paper presents life cycle, the process of recovery and reverse logistics of electronic products exemplified with mobile phones. [..] Read more
PYZA Dariusz Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Warsaw, Poland, e-mail: dpz@wt.pw.edu.pl
Co-authors: JACYNA Marianna GOŁASZEWSKI Andrzej GOŁĘBIOWSKI Piotr
Abstract: Utilization of alternative fuels in transport is promoted in many EU documents and regulations. A document which has an impact on the development of infrastructure for alternative fuels is the Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, which establishes a common framework for measures relating to infrastructure development of alternative fuels in the EU. [..] Read more
GRZESICA Dariusz Cracow University of Technology, Transport Section, Cracow, Poland, EU, dgrzesica@pk.edu.pl
Co-authors: KUBEK Daniel WIĘCEK Paweł
Abstract: The driver behaviours are one of the crucial determinant for the transportation system functioning, especially within the city. They are shaped mainly by driver’s individual perception of reality. [..] Read more
SZYMIEC Mateusz AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, Cracow, Poland, EU, matszymiec@gmail.com, akotarba@gegenbauerpolska.pl
Co-authors: KOTARBA Andrzej
Abstract: The observed in recent times cost-oriented approach based on reliability of technical systems operations enforces engineering staff to implement modern attitude in facility maintenance oriented towards preventive inspections as well as continual supervision over the technical condition of machines and equipment. An example of such approach can be a facility management system established by American aviation and arms industry oriented on RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance). [..] Read more
BARTCZAK Krzysztof Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw, Poland, PL;
Abstract: The subject of this paper is describing what the virtualization of supply chains means for the functioning of logistics companies. Attention shall be paid to what virtualization is and how it is used with respect to logistics, but also, what are the advantages of its application in supply chains.. [..] Read more
HUK Katarzyna University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra, Poland, EU, k.huk@wez.uz.zgora.pl
Abstract: Urban development and the influx of people causes new problems posed in front of city authorities. Good solutions are those used in the area of logistics. [..] Read more
BARAN Marcin AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland, EU, marcin.baran.133@zarz.agh.edu.pl, kjurczyk@zarz.agh.edu.pl, wojciech.wozniak.293@zarz.agh.edu.pl
Co-authors: JURCZYK Krzysztof WOŹNIAK Wojciech
Abstract: This paper presents results of tests done in one of the prototype centre of automotive company. The researchers focused on reliability of labelling made of label printer. [..] Read more
BINDZÁR Peter Technical University of Košice, Institute of Logistics, Park Komenskeho 14, Košice, Slovak republic, EU peter.bindzar@tuke.sk, peter.kacmary@tuke.sk
Co-authors: KAČMÁRY Peter
Abstract: The car manufacturers worldwide are under the roughest business environment. Its sales are affected by a financial crisis that mutes a customer’s ability to buy new cars. [..] Read more
KRAMARZ Marzena Silesian University of Technology, Gliwce, Poland, EU , mkramarz@polsl.pl
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to indicate those elements of business model, which differentiate flag enterprises in the distribution networks of steel mill products. Literature research aimed at distinguishing elements defining business model was conducted to obtain the objective. [..] Read more
WYRWICH-PŁOTKA Sabina Opole University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Logistics and Marketing, Opole, Poland
Abstract: The article is devoted to customer service in the supply chain. Dynamic changing market conditions and trends in supply chains force the improvement of customer service. [..] Read more
JACYNA-GOŁDA Ilona Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering, Narbutta 85, Warsaw, Poland, EU, i.jacyna-golda@wip.pw.edu.pl, alaortyl@gmail.com, izdebski.mariusz@interia.pl
Co-authors: ORTYL Alicja IZDEBSKI Mariusz
Abstract: To evaluate the efficiency of transport subsystem in complex logistics structures it should be assessed in terms of quantitative and valuable assessment. The quantitative assessment of its efficiency testify such indicators as performed tonne-kilometers, the number of items handled, the actual working time of transport, the quantity of goods carried, transport costs per tonne-kilometer and per consignment, utilization of working time and transport capacities owned means of transport. [..] Read more
KARKULA Marek AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, Antoniego Gramatyka 10, 30-001, Krakow, Poland, EU
Co-authors: STRYHUNIVSKA Olena
Abstract: Creating a virtual model takes an individual approach. A company’s structure and organization must always be taken into account. [..] Read more
KSIĄŻEK Roger AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, Kraków, Poland, EU
Co-authors: GDOWSKA Katarzyna KSIĄŻEK Dawid
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the selected heuristics for lot-sizing and scheduling problem for identical parallel machines. The lot-sizing and scheduling problem is a well-known problem in industrial engineering and logistics management, since it is crucial for inventory control and production planning. [..] Read more
GDOWSKA Katarzyna AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, Kraków, Poland, UE
Co-authors: KSIĄŻEK Roger JURCZYK Krzysztof
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the timetabling problem and interval synchronization in urban public communication, which is considered as an important issue in urban transport networks with long overlapping route segments. The main objective of interval synchronization is to determine the timetable of lines sharing route segments, so that the waiting time between arrivals of consecutive buses can be balanced. [..] Read more
KUREK Magdalena AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland, EU, mag.kurek@gmail.com, jfeliks@zarz.agh.edu.pl
Co-authors: FELIKS Jerzy
Abstract: The paper presents logistic aspects of procedures connected to complaints against suppliers of aluminum coils that are used in a production process of beverage cans. The process of shaping a body of a can from aluminum stripes is exceptionally precise and thus, the material has to meet standardized requirements. [..] Read more
DUDEK Marek AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, Department of Business Management, mdudek@zarz.agh.edu.pl
Abstract: World-Class manufacturing was the term introduced for referring to the goal of achieving and/or sustaining World-Class competitiveness through manufacturing excellence, attained through best practices. The mission of World-Class manufacturing is to bring manufacturing closer to the market by eliminating waste. [..] Read more
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