34. ročník konference o teorii a praxi výroby a zpracování oceli
5. - 6. dubna 2018 / Hotel Energetic, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Česká republika
The 34th edition of the traditional steel conference on the theory and practice of steel production and processing took place in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, at the Wellness Hotel Energetic on 5-6 April 2018. 76 participants form Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Austria listened to 23 lectures.
The conference was opened with an introductory speech by Prof. Ing. Jiří Bažan, CSc., the conference guarantor and professor of the Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering of VŠB - Technical University Ostrava. The introductory lecture by Assoc. Prof. Ing. Václav Kafka, CSc. was dedicated to the memory of Prof. Ing. Karel Stránský, DrSc. The invited speaker was RNDr. Jaroslav Raab with his lecture "Barriers to the growth of global steel production and consumption". The first day was traditionally concluded with a social evening in the stylish Kordulka hut.
Sponsors & Exhibitors: ŽĎAS, a.s.; RMS, a.s. Košice; OLYMPUS CZECH GROUP, s.r.o. member of the concern; HOBRA - Školník s.r.o.;
The articles in the conference proceedings are mostly in Czech language.