MOJSKÝ Viliam University of Žilina, Žilina, Slovak Republic, EU,
Co-authors: KOLAROVSZKI Peter
Abstract: The article deals with a design of simulation program to serve for presentation of an automatic product identification cycle using GS1 standards. Its role is to clarify the issue and present the benefits of AIDC technologies. [..] Read more
PATERAK Sławomir General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces Wrocław, MULF Wroclaw, Faculty of Management, Logistics department, Poland, EU,
Abstract: Supplying troops with foodstuffs is one of the underlying factors determining success in armed operations and is part of the professional activity of commanders at all levels of the military logistic structures. At the same time, the European Union's soldiers and citizens are protected consumers and potential victims in the event of targeted food modification. [..] Read more
KACZOR Grzegorz Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Cracow, Poland, EU,
Abstract: As a part of the sustainable urban transport policy, the alternative methods of moving towards individual car transport are promoted. Their aim is to reduce the emission of harmful substances and noise, as well as to reduce the phenomenon of congestion. [..] Read more
RYCZYŃSKI Jacek Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces (MULF), Faculty of Management, Department of Logistic, Wroclaw, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: RUPA Piotr
Abstract: Among all operational fluids, the most important is attributed to the appropriate quality of liquid fuels. This is due to the fact that fuels constitute the largest group of operating fluids introduced to trade and the fact that their inadequate quality parameters cause many adverse effects, including min. [..] Read more
NOWAKOWSKA Marta MULF, Military University of Land Forces, Wroclaw, Poland, EU,,
Co-authors: KACZMARCZYK Barbara
Abstract: The aim of the article is to analyse and evaluate the relationship between media coverage and the resilience of global supply chains. The basis for the assessment was qualitative research carried out on a representative sample of Poles in the years 2015 - 2018 (58 interviews with people connected to supply chain, like drivers, operators etc.) and quantitative analysis of words on social media (Facebook, Twitter). [..] Read more
DUDA Jerzy AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, Krakow, Poland, EU,,
Co-authors: KARKULA Marek
Abstract: The organization of the order picking process has the greatest impact on the efficiency of the warehouse or distribution center, and thus on the supply chain efficiency. From the moment of accepting the customer's order through its completion to the time of shipment, there are many possibilities of making mistakes and errors both in terms of accuracy and completeness, as well as time-wasting. [..] Read more
GAJEWSKA Teresa Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: WYRAZ Elżbieta
Abstract: Dynamic economic and technological development places more and more demands on every walk of life, including road transport. Maintaining a significant position on the market is possible due to the applications of solutions supporting the efficiency and quality of transport, including through telematics solutions. [..] Read more
DZIADUCH Izabela Wrocław University of Economics, Department of Logistics, Wrocław, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: HANCZAR Paweł
Abstract: Crew scheduling is one of the major phases in crew management in large transportation networks such as railway, bus and airline systems. The scheduling of crews is usually considered as two problems: the crew pairing problem and the crew assignment (rostering) problem. [..] Read more
Tomasz Korbiel AGH - University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: PAWLUŚ Michał GAWROŃSKI Karol
Abstract: Since the transport of goods was entrusted to third parties, there was a need to mark the goods. From the initially primitive methods to the present day, where the waybill plays a key role in transport logistics, the ways of freights significance have undergone significant evolution. [..] Read more
BIERNIKOWICZ Wiktor MULF – General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces, Wroclaw, Poland, EU,
Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to analyze and evaluate logistics capabilities of Poland as a Host Nation Country (HNS) with special regard to the military transport. Security challenges of a contemporary world require new NATO strategy especially in the area of strategic and tactical deployment. [..] Read more
KNOP Lilla Silesian University of Technology, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: OLKO Sławomir
Abstract: The main purpose of the paper is identification and presentation of the main features of clusters in logistics sector in Poland. Industrial clusters plays important role in the development of regional and national economies. [..] Read more
PRIMKE Tomasz Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, EU,
Abstract: Although programming in logic (LP) never became mainstream paradigm, it is still used and researched. The most known LP language is Prolog. [..] Read more
POLLÁK František University of Presov, Faculty of Management, Presov, Slovakia, EU,
Co-authors: SOVIAR Jakub SVETOZAROVOVÁ Nella
Abstract: The paper discusses the issue of sustainable development of corporate reputation, specifically the issue of traditional and innovative approaches to reputation management. The main objective is to present the accessible ways and approaches of measuring the reputation, especially online reputation, as the current challenge for responsible and sustainable development of perceived image of subjects, as their very fragile intangible assets. [..] Read more
WINCEWICZ-BOSY Marta Genral Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces Wroclaw, MULF, Wroclaw, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: MAŃKOWSKA Maria
Abstract: International military exercises are an important element of NATO's operation. Their organization and implementation is related to the observance of numerous standards and regulations whose task is to strengthen the system of cooperation and command and to eliminate barriers and potential threats. [..] Read more
MAŃKOWSKA Maria Genral Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces Wroclaw, MULF, Wroclaw, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: WINCEWICZ-BOSY Marta
Abstract: The aim of the article is to present Polish structures of NHS Points of Contact as an example of national Point of Contact structures which carry out HNS tasks under the obligations resulting from NATO membership. Successful conduct of logistical tasks demands transfers of information between Points of Contact, which can be temporary or permanent and belong to the armed forces or non-military organisations. [..] Read more
SZUKALSKI Maciej MULF - General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces, Wroclaw, Poland, EU,
Abstract: Characteristic of today's tactical operations is used on a large scale of various military equipment, which is characterized by a high degree of technical sophistication and complicated construction.Under the current conditions, achieving and maintaining success in combat is connected with the necessity of securing and supporting appropriate technical execution potential, guaranteeing them to perform maintenance tasks, reconnaissance tasks, evacuation tasks and technical supply, in such a way that unlicensed equipment can return to the grouping and be used again in fight.Correct use of the evacuation and repair potential requires precise data on: the health of the crew; the degree of damage to the equipment; the scope of necessary corrective actions necessary to restore its technical suitability, approaches and surroundings with damaged equipment. Obtaining the necessary information is possible thanks to the activities undertaken as part of technical reconnaissance.Solutions should be sought that will enable technical operations to be carried out on as many damaged equipment as possible in the shortest possible time and distribution of information to the appropriate components of the technical security system in order to make the best use of their executive potential.New possibilities in the field of technical reconnaissance are offered by the development of various types of unmanned aerial vehicles, whose role in many armies is constantly growing. [..] Read more
KUŹNAR Małgorzata Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Rail Vehicle, Cracow, Poland, EU,,
Co-authors: LORENC Augustyn GÓRKA Natalia
Abstract: The aim of this study was to propose a system that increases the reliability of the supply chain using a rail mode of transport. Such system will reduce delays in a supply chain where a train is use as a mean of transport. [..] Read more
GONCIARZ Artur Genral Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces Wroclaw, MULF, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, ORCID identifier is 0000-0003-1822-1840,,
Co-authors: WINCEWICZ-BOSY Marta
Abstract: The growing number of events that are qualified as mass events has become the basis for the creation of certain schemes/models enabling the proper and safe implementation of such projects. As a point of view, assuming that logistics is an important component of management, creating opportunities to implement management functions in accordance with the 7R concept. [..] Read more
ZIELIŃSKA Katarzyna Lodz University of Technology, International Faculty of Engineering, SKN Miłosnicy Motoryzacji, SKN Rainmakers Lodz, Poland, EU,,
Co-authors: GÓRECKI Sebastian
Abstract: Transportation is one of the major factors influencing progressing global warming effect. To decrease the impact, different energy sources are being explored. [..] Read more
LORENC Augustyn Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Rail Vehicles, Cracow, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: KUŹNAR Małgorzata
Abstract: The paper focuses on the safety of railway transport and the possibility of a risk appearance in a supply chain using rail vehicles as a mode of transport. The rail transport plays a significant role in the international market for goods forwarding and transportation. [..] Read more
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