JARZĘBOWSKI Sebastian Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland, EU, sjarzebowski@kozminski.edu.pl, izabeladalewska@kozminski.edu.pl
Co-authors: DALEWSKA Izabela
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: In the last two decades, the topic of sustainability has moved from the edges of supply chain management research to the mainstream and is now an area of substantial research activity. In particular topic of sustainability exposed the short supply chains (SSCs). [..] Read more
KIBA-JANIAK Maja Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, maja.kiba-janiak@ue.wroc.pl, jaroslaw.witkowski@ue.wroc.pl, anna.baraniecka@ue.wroc.pl
Co-authors: Witkowski Jarosław Baraniecka Anna
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: The main aim of the paper is the identification of the scope and barriers of organization and operation of Japanese supply chains and networks in the different socio-economic condition in Poland. In the paper the six in-depth case studies of first tier-suppliers from automotive sector have been analysed in terms of facility location, planning, organization and control of processes, transport and warehousing, purchasing and inventory management, distribution and customer service, eco-logistics, supply chain social responsibility, production logistics, research and development, information technology, cooperation with local authority. [..] Read more
CHAMIER-GLISZCZYŃSKI Norbert Koszalin University of Technology, Koszalin, Poland, EU, norbert.chamier-gliszczynski@tu.koszalin.pl
Co-authors: Kostrzewski Mariusz
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: The article concerns the application of industrial robots (IR) in selected areas of logistics. In the article there are given premises, from the point of view of which it is worth to consider issues focused around robotics in the context of Logistics 4.0 (L4.0). [..] Read more
DUDEK Marek AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, Department of Business Management, Poland, EU, mdudek@zarz.agh.edu.pl
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: Contemporary production enterprises keep seeking organizational capabilities to enable them to function in the network environment. The requirements of Industry 4.0 for production virtualization and digitalization, cloud manufacturing or extended manufacturing impose the requirement to use system integration tools, intelligent robotization and automation or fast reconfiguration, as well as a package of methods and tools that accompany organizational changes. [..] Read more
KUTÁČ Tomáš VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, tomas.kutac@vsb.cz, josef.kutac@vsb.cz, kamila.janovska@vsb.cz, eva.svecova@vsb.cz
Co-authors: KUTÁČ Josef JANOVSKÁ Kamila ŠVECOVÁ Eva
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: This article deals with possibilities in selecting the most accurate allocation of overhead costs of logistic and other supporting activities to primary (production) activities in cases where outputs of cooperating support activities in manufacturing enterprises are reciprocally consumed. A reciprocal consumption of outputs of supply, transport and maintenance activities, where the outputs of supply and transport activities are consumed by maintenance activities and the outputs of maintenance activities are consumed by supply and transport activities can serve as an example.. [..] Read more
SAMOLEJOVÁ Andrea VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, andrea.samolejova@vsb.cz, martin.lampa@vsb.cz, dominika.hruba@post.cz
Co-authors: LAMPA Martin HRUBÁ Dominika
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: Nowadays, manufacturing companies are trying to automate production as much as possible according to the Industry 4.0 trend, leading not only to job reduction, but usually also to a greater division of labor and routine for the remaining employees. However, repeated movements in handling materials or products as results of the job division lead to sooner physical and mental exhaustion, and sometimes even to occupational diseases. Businesses must then seek out new workers and, in addition, bear large, extra costs for the affected workers compensations. [..] Read more
Kramarz Marzena Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, EU, mkramarz@polsl.pl, eprzybylska@polsl.pl
Co-authors: PRZYBYLSKA Edyta
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: Intermodality in freight transport is one of the key axes identified by the European Commissions. However, implementing the principles that intermodality requires is associated with a number of challenges and various barriers that effectively inhibit its development. [..] Read more
KRAMARZ Marzena Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, EU, mkramarz@polsl.pl, eprzybylska@polsl.pl
Co-authors: Przybylska Edyta
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: Railway transport is a key branch for the development of intermodal transport. In 2016, intermodal transport in Poland had an 8.8 % share in transport performance and was higher by over 1.4 percentage point than in 2015. [..] Read more
MARCINKOWSKI Jakub Mateusz Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Jelenia Góra, Poland, EU, jakub.marcinkowski@ue.wroc.pl, iwona.kutzner@ue.wroc.pl
Co-authors: KUTZNER Iwona Malgorzata
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: The main goal of the article is to identify a framework for modeling the measurement of dysfunctions in B2B relations in the supply chain. The article aims to answer the question: whether and if so, how to measure dysfunctions that occur in B2B relations in the supply chain? The authors initially identified three types of dysfunctions within the external environment of the supply chain (sporadic, constant, ad hoc) and three types of dysfunctions within the internal environment of the supply chain (transport and storage, administrative and legal, communication). [..] Read more
ŠAFRÁNEK Marek VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, marek.safranek.st@vsb.cz, iveta.voznakova@vsb.cz
Co-authors: VOZŇÁKOVÁ Iveta FORMÁNEK Ivo
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: Public transportation devalues the environment in the cities. It pollutes the air and increases noise. [..] Read more
STAWIARSKA Ewa SUT - Silesian University of Technology, Zabrze, Poland, EU, ewa.stawiarska@polsl.pl
Co-authors: PAWŁOWSKA Elżbieta SOBCZAK Paweł
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: The current automotive supply chain is facing more risks than ever due to the heavy dependencies of local automotive component manufacturers with foreign and established global producers. In response, this paper is designed to explore the supply chain risk management (SCRM) practice of automotive industry in Poland. The aim of the article was to assess the application of the Supply Chain Risk Management concept by automotive companies (with location in Poland). [..] Read more
SVOZIL Martin VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, radim.lenort@vsb.cz
Co-authors: ČECH Martin LENORT Radim
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: The paper presents the literature review of maturity models used for improvement of logistics performance in industrial companies. The aim of the paper is an analysis of the state of the art and critical evaluation of strengths and weaknesses of the existing models. [..] Read more
LAMPA Martin VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, martin.lampa@vsb.cz, andrea.samolejova@vsb.cz, dominika.kostelova.st@vsb.cz
Co-authors: SAMOLEJOVÁ Andrea HRUBÁ Dominika
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: With the development of computers and software products, the importance of the use of quantitative methods for managerial decisions has been growing even when it comes to industrial companies. Decision making represents one of the most important managerial activities, which managers have to adopt on an everyday basis when conducting their work. [..] Read more
DOHN Katarzyna Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, EU, katarzyna.dohn@polsl.pl, lilla.knop@polsl.pl, zbigniew.zebrucki@polsl.pl
Co-authors: Knop Lilla Żebrucki Zbigniew
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: The development of inland waterways transport in Poland is a great chance to relieve road transport, which currently accounts for 86 % of transport in Poland, with only 0.4 % for water transport. This is important primarily due to the obligations of the so-called White Paper (Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area issued in 2011 by the European Commission). [..] Read more
PUSKAS Dominik TUKE - Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, Institute of Logistics and Transport, Kosice, Slovak Republic, EU, marcela.malindzakova@tuke.sk
Co-authors: Malindžáková Marcela
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: RFID technologies are important in the collection of separate waste. The approach to waste management should be changed for the better by using RFID from landfill to recycling. [..] Read more
KOŁAKOWSKI Tomasz Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Management, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, tomasz.kolakowski@ue.wroc.pl, agnieszka.jagoda@ue.wroc.pl
Co-authors: JAGODA Agnieszka
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: The results presented in the article include the effect of cyclical annual empirical research carried out in 2016- 2019. Its objective was to identify and characterize the operating conditions of project teams within supply chains. [..] Read more
Filipczyk Jan Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Katowice, Poland, EU, jan.filipczyk@polsl.pl
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: The subject of the research is the analysis of the impact of various factors on road safety of the transport of dangerous goods. The causes and circumstances of various types of road incidents involving vehicles transporting hazardous materials as well as technical states of vehicles has been analysed. [..] Read more
TUBIS Agnieszka A. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland agnieszka.tubis@pwr.edu.pl
Co-authors: SOBKOWIAK Anna
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: Inventory management is a central task of the logistics area. The success of an efficiently operating system is determined by the selection of an appropriate method of replenishment of stocks based on the adopted control parameters. [..] Read more
WOLNIEWICZ Łukasz Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, lukasz.wolniewicz@pwr.edu.pl, franciszek.restel@pwr.edu.pl
Co-authors: RESTEL Franciszek J.
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: Modern agglomerations are interested in the development of public transport and the use of advanced technical and organizational solutions in this area. One of the elements is passenger information. [..] Read more
NEHRING Karol Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Warsaw, Poland, EU, karol.nehring@pw.edu.pl, roland.jachimowski@pw.edu.pl
Co-authors: JACHIMOWSKI Roland
Conference: CLC 2019, CLC 2019
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to present an issue of a container train handling in the land intermodal terminal. The two main processes performed during the train handling are considered and analyzed. First one is train unloading. [..] Read more
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