FURMANN Radovan CEIT, a.s. – Central European Institute of Technology, Žilina, Slovakia, EU, radovan.furmann@ceitgroup.eu, peter.macus@ceitgroup.eu, andrej.stefanik@ceitgroup.eu
Co-authors: MAČUŠ Peter ŠTEFÁNIK Andrej HERČKO Jozef
Abstract: Production and logistics systems are currently undergoing revolutionary changes. They are gaining new features and functionalities. [..] Read more
NAUMOV Vitalii Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Road and Railway Engineering and Transport, Cracow, Poland, EU, vnaumov@pk.edu.pl
Co-authors: LORENC Augustyn SOLARZ Agnieszka
Abstract: Technological processes of freight transport are characterized by stochasticity of indicators describing its efficiency. The mentioned randomness is usually could be explained by the stochasticity of demand for transport services. [..] Read more
BÍNOVÁ Helena CTU in Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences, Prague 2, Czech Republic, EU, binova@fd.cvut.cz
Co-authors: HNÁT Vladimír MRÁČEK Vladimír
Abstract: Containerisation of goods is a trend, which is constantly increasing in a meaning of volume of transported goods. The most of bulk goods are transhipped through container terminals in seaports. [..] Read more
MALINDŽÁK Dušan Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies, Institute of Logistics, Košice, Slovakia, EU, dusan.malindzak@tuke.sk
Co-authors: STRAKOŠ Vladimír
Abstract: The paper has a scientific- pedagogical character. It deals with the justification of the need to prepare "logistics" experts for the field of continuous media and energies flows. [..] Read more
ZAPLETAL František VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Ostrava, Czech Republic, frantisek.zapletal@vsb.cz
Abstract: Suppliers are an inevitable part of a logistics chain. It is crucial for each company to select the best possible suppliers. [..] Read more
CHUDZIKIEWICZ Andrzej Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, EU, ach1@wt.pw.edu.pl, ast@wt.pw.edu.pl, wwa@wt.pw.edu.pl
Co-authors: STELMACH Anna WAWRZYŃSKI Wojciech
Abstract: Authorizing the placing in service of a rail vehicle, which is called in Polish "Regulations permitting a vehicle type to operation", is meant as a procedure carried out by appropriate authorities in order to hand over a rail vehicle to be operated in accordance with its purpose. A condition for permitting vehicle types to be operated is to obtain a certificate of placing in service for the first vehicle of a given type. [..] Read more
MAŃKOWSKI Cezary University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Economics, Poland, EU, ekocm@ug.edu.pl
Abstract: According to Schumpeter’s innovation theory of profit, the innovation is placed as a core element of an entrepreneur strategy to reduce costs or rise the demand for products, thus to increase the profit. A lot of industry research results verify that theory positively proving that financing innovations leads to the return of 20%, up to 50% at the case of successfully commercialised solutions, depending on the case and the method of measuring the impact. [..] Read more
ČECH Martin VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, martin.cech@vsb.cz
Co-authors: WICHER Pavel SVOZIL Martin LENORT Jana LENORT Radim
Abstract: Logistics management has become more and more in the forefront of management interest in industrial companies, which are aware of its key importance, especially in the conditions of a dynamic environment and rapid growth, which in addition to opportunities and revenue growth brings with it risks and new challenges. The aim of this article is to identify and present barriers to logistics management of a fast-growing enterprise and concepts of approaches leading to the removal of priority barriers based on the framework of process maturity models and case study from the automotive industry company. [..] Read more
NOWICKA Katarzyna SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland, EU, Katarzyna.Nowicka@sgh.waw.pl
Abstract: Sustainability plays crucial role in today’s competitive environment. Having CSR strategy implemented in the area of production seems to be not enough. [..] Read more
BURCHART-KOROL Dorota Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Poland, EU, dorota.burchart-korol@polsl.pl
Abstract: Sustainable transport system refers to desirable combinations of government policies, infrastructure and technologies which minimise environmental impacts and refers to economic and social issues. The aim of this paper was to study the possibilities and challenges for application environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) methods for support sustainable transport. [..] Read more
HUSINEC Michal Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Department of Systems Engineering, Kamýcká 129, Prague, Czech Republic, e-mail: husinecm@pef.czu.cz
Co-authors: ŠUBRT Tomáš FEJFAR Jiří
Abstract: Our contribution is focused on the problem of the use of electric vehicles in freight transport. The area of potential use of electric cars is affected by a high level of uncertainty in terms of efficiency and operating costs. [..] Read more
DZHUGURYAN Tygran Maritime University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland, EU, t.dzhuguryan@am.szczecin.pl
Co-authors: WIŚNICKI Bogusz DUDEK Tomasz
Abstract: The objective of this article is to present an innovative concept of intelligent reconfigurable trolleys for the city multi-floor manufacturing and accompanying transport operations that increase the efficiency and flexibility of production processes and supply logistics system. The characteristics of the original concept modular loading units in the form of intelligent reconfigurable trolleys are presented, with their construction and equipment description. [..] Read more
MOJSKÝ Viliam University of Žilina, Žilina, Slovak Republic, EU, 1viliam.mojsky@fpedas.uniza.sk 2peter.kolarovszki@fpedas.uniza.sk
Co-authors: KOLAROVSZKI Peter
Abstract: The article deals with a design of simulation program to serve for presentation of an automatic product identification cycle using GS1 standards. Its role is to clarify the issue and present the benefits of AIDC technologies. [..] Read more
PATERAK Sławomir General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces Wrocław, MULF Wroclaw, Faculty of Management, Logistics department, Poland, EU, slawomir.paterak@awl.edu.pl
Abstract: Supplying troops with foodstuffs is one of the underlying factors determining success in armed operations and is part of the professional activity of commanders at all levels of the military logistic structures. At the same time, the European Union's soldiers and citizens are protected consumers and potential victims in the event of targeted food modification. [..] Read more
KACZOR Grzegorz Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Cracow, Poland, EU, gkaczor@pk.edu.pl
Abstract: As a part of the sustainable urban transport policy, the alternative methods of moving towards individual car transport are promoted. Their aim is to reduce the emission of harmful substances and noise, as well as to reduce the phenomenon of congestion. [..] Read more
RYCZYŃSKI Jacek Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces (MULF), Faculty of Management, Department of Logistic, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, jacek.ryczynski@awl.edu.pl
Co-authors: RUPA Piotr
Abstract: Among all operational fluids, the most important is attributed to the appropriate quality of liquid fuels. This is due to the fact that fuels constitute the largest group of operating fluids introduced to trade and the fact that their inadequate quality parameters cause many adverse effects, including min. [..] Read more
NOWAKOWSKA Marta MULF, Military University of Land Forces, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, marta.nowakowska@awl.edu.pl, barbara.kaczmarczyk@awl.edu.pl
Co-authors: KACZMARCZYK Barbara
Abstract: The aim of the article is to analyse and evaluate the relationship between media coverage and the resilience of global supply chains. The basis for the assessment was qualitative research carried out on a representative sample of Poles in the years 2015 - 2018 (58 interviews with people connected to supply chain, like drivers, operators etc.) and quantitative analysis of words on social media (Facebook, Twitter). [..] Read more
DUDA Jerzy AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, Krakow, Poland, EU, jduda@zarz.agh.edu.pl, mkarkula@zarz.agh.edu.pl
Co-authors: KARKULA Marek
Abstract: The organization of the order picking process has the greatest impact on the efficiency of the warehouse or distribution center, and thus on the supply chain efficiency. From the moment of accepting the customer's order through its completion to the time of shipment, there are many possibilities of making mistakes and errors both in terms of accuracy and completeness, as well as time-wasting. [..] Read more
GAJEWSKA Teresa Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland, EU, teresa.gajewska@mech.pk.edu.pl
Co-authors: WYRAZ Elżbieta
Abstract: Dynamic economic and technological development places more and more demands on every walk of life, including road transport. Maintaining a significant position on the market is possible due to the applications of solutions supporting the efficiency and quality of transport, including through telematics solutions. [..] Read more
DZIADUCH Izabela Wrocław University of Economics, Department of Logistics, Wrocław, Poland, EU, izabela.dziaduch@ue.wroc.pl
Co-authors: HANCZAR Paweł
Abstract: Crew scheduling is one of the major phases in crew management in large transportation networks such as railway, bus and airline systems. The scheduling of crews is usually considered as two problems: the crew pairing problem and the crew assignment (rostering) problem. [..] Read more
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