Lewandowski Krzysztof Wrocław University of Technology, Poland, EU, krzysztof.lewandowski@pwr.edu.pl
Abstract: The desire to create of sustainable transport in urban areas requires knowledge from the municipal government of the needs of local business entities in the supply of goods in the city centre. This article presents a proposal to amend certain legal acts in order to improve the strategy of sustainable transport in urban areas in the supply of goods in the city centres. [..] Read more
BOTLÍK Josef Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina, Karvina, Czech Republic, EU, botlik@opf.slu.cz; botlikova@opf.slu.cz
Co-authors: BOTLÍKOVÁ Milena
Abstract: Distribution logistics covers all warehouse and transport movements of goods from producer to customer, and related information and control activities which are realized through distribution channels. Within these channels, there is predominantly a physical distribution which can be understood as a subsystem of distribution including all operations related with the physical movement of distributed goods. [..] Read more
KRČÁL Michal Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, EU
Co-authors: REŠLOVÁ Martina
Abstract: The main purpose of this case study is to identify processes of knowledge management, information and communication technology (ICT) support, and reverse logistics and relations between them in a studied enterprise. Moreover, this study attempts to describe approaches and methods used for performance evaluation of identified processes. [..] Read more
ŠKAPA Radoslav Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, EU, skapa@econ.muni.cz
Abstract: Current body of research presents many factors, which influence the performance of reverse logistic; however the attention payed to the different factors, as demonstrated by number of existing research papers, varies very much. Process management, its tools and its maturity level belong to the group that is under-researched. [..] Read more
KLAPALOVÁ Alena Masaryk University, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Brno, Czech Republic, EU, klapalov@econ.muni.cz
Abstract: Customer satisfaction represents one of the main drivers of reverse logistics management besides other financial and nonfinancial reasons of interest to engage in managing reverse flows. Customer satisfaction thus should be also one of the performance effects or outcomes of reverse logistics management. [..] Read more
STRAKA Martin Technical University of Kosice, Kosice, Park Komenského 14, 043 84, Slovak Republic, EU, martin.straka@tuke.sk, maros.fill@tuke.sk
Co-authors: FILL Maroš BESTA Peter
Abstract: The article deals with possibilities of creating system for support the activities of logistics systems. This system would serve as a means for decision support. [..] Read more
Šaderová Janka Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, Institute of Logistics, Park Komenského 14, 042 00 Košice, Slovak Republic, EU, janka.saderova@tuke.sk, andrea.rosova@tuke.sk, marcela.malindzakova@tuke.sk, peter.kacmary@tuke.sk, puskas.eduard@gmail.com
Co-authors: Rosová Andrea Malindžáková Marcela Kačmáry Peter PUŠKÁŠ Eduard
Abstract: This article describes one of the possibilities ways of rationalization of goods allocation in the wholesale warehouse. The proposal of new goods allocation was provided by the ABC analysis of goods assortment. [..] Read more
BESTA Petr VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, petr.besta@vsb.cz
Co-authors: NÉTEK Václav KUBICA Stanislav PROSICKÝ Petr
Abstract: Inventories are a factor that significantly affects competitiveness of any manufacturing enterprise. Manufacturing companies should protect inventories against unexpected fluctuations in their consumption and deliveries and thus promote the continuous nature of the production process. [..] Read more
BALON Petr VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, petr.balon.st@vsb.cz, jana.buchtova@vsb.cz
Co-authors: BUCHTOVÁ Jana
Abstract: The paper describes the application of SMED methodology in a chosen enterprise dealing with production of deep drawn steel parts for automotive industry. Acronym SMED stands for Single Minute Exchange of Die. [..] Read more
OLEJARZ Tadeusz Faculty of Management, Rzeszow University of Technology, al. Powstańców Warszawy 8, Poland, EU, olejarz@prz.edu.pl, agazda@prz.edu.pl
Co-authors: GAZDA Andrzej
Abstract: Logistical support of military contingents participating in operations conducted outside the country is complicated and creates a number of difficulties. In addition, these operations are conducted in the different places in the world, usually far away from the country. [..] Read more
PATÁK Michal University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU, e-mail: michal.patak@upce.cz
Co-authors: JEŘÁBEK Filip
Abstract: Quantitative forecasting methods based on the time series analysis have been most widely used in short-term demand forecasting thanks to the facts that they do not place high demands on time and finances, and that they are highly objective compared to qualitative forecasting methods. However, the success of demand forecasting depends on many other factors that are rarely mentioned in the literature. [..] Read more
Pecinová Zuzana University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Studentska 95, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU, Zuzana.Pecinova@upce.cz, Michal.Patak@upce.cz, Hana.Lostakova@upce.cz
Co-authors: Paták Michal Lošťáková Hana
Abstract: The basic prerequisite for building long-term relationships between suppliers and customers is the convenience of cooperation for all participating subjects. The benefits arising in relation to the sacrifices incurred, however, can always be assessed only by the recipient, based on the subjective perception of the value obtained. [..] Read more
BRANSKA Lenka University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Studentska 95, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU, Lenka.Branska@upce.cz, Zuzana.Pecinova@upce.cz, Lostakova@upce.cz
Co-authors: PECINOVA Zuzana LOSTAKOVA Hana
Abstract: The loyalty of customers in the current market environment is vital for businesses. Loyalty is enhanced by all activities and tools that increase the size of the customer perceived value, making customers interested in closer cooperation and strengthening their emotional ties to the company. [..] Read more
JELÍNKOVÁ Martina University of Pardubice, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU
Co-authors: LOŠŤÁKOVÁ Hana
Abstract: This paper presents the results of the primary research, which aimed to select areas where it would be suitable to look for a way how to deepen mutual relations among selected distribution chain members on the car oil market to make the total value for all the involved parties grow. The research succeeded both in mapping of the current situation in mutual cooperation among manufacturers, distributors, and garages in the areas of development, production, distribution, and sale of car oils, and in identifying significant opportunities for future improvements and optimization. [..] Read more
Lostakova Hana University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU Hana.Lostakova@upce.cz, jan.psorn@upce.cz
Co-authors: PSORN Jan
Abstract: Nowadays turbulent market environment and high competition requires customization of the offered range of products to the preferences of individual customers and introduction of more perfect customer services and their provision in accordance with the customers’ needs and wishes. It is essential to integrate and involve the customers in creation of the system of customer service and care even deeper and, within cooperation of the manufacturers and distribution intermediaries, to make the customers always satisfied completely, quickly, in time, and to a high standard. [..] Read more
BRANSKA Lenka University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU, lenka.branska@upce.cz
Co-authors: RADOVA Barbora
Abstract: It is now quite clear that successful are those businesses that deepen cooperation with their suppliers and customers. The closer cooperation can be established in the supply chain, the greater the opportunity to apply modern management technologies in the supply chain, such as VMI, CRP, Quick Response, ECR, CPFR methods. [..] Read more
VLCKOVA Vladimira University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of Economy and Management of Chemical and Food Industries, Studentská 95, 532 10 Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU, vladimira.vlckova@upce.cz
Co-authors: VRBOVA Hana
Abstract: Integration in the area of international trade also affects business entities in the Czech Republic, which merge with each other to form larger business units to maintain a competitive level of their offer. Thus vast, structurally more and more complex supply systems are developed, through which products and services are provided to the customers. [..] Read more
ZIMON Grzegorz Rzeszow University of Technology, Department of Finance, Banking and Accountancy, Rzeszow, Poland
Co-authors: ZIMON Dominik
Abstract: The organization of logistics in commercial companies has a huge impact on their financial results. However, it is very often associated with high costs. [..] Read more
NÉMETH Róbert Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Proces Control and Geotechnology, Košice, Slovak Republic, EU, robert.nemeth@tuke.sk
Co-authors: SCHRÉTER Róbert OLEXA Ladislav
Abstract: Public transport provides basic transportation needs of the residents of towns and villages. The increase of individual transport affects the division of transport between public transport and individual automobile transport. [..] Read more
SAMOLEJOVÁ Andrea VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, andrea.samolejova@vsb.cz; andrea.sikorova@vsb.cz
Co-authors: SIKOROVÁ Andrea
Abstract: Well managed logistics is crucial base for any manufacturing company. It is always an employee who stands behind its success or failure. [..] Read more
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