FELIKS Jerzy AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland, EU, e-mail: jfeliks@zarz.agh.edu.pl
Co-authors: MAJEWSKA Katarzyna MIKA Krzysztof
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to present the possibility of application the fuzzy sets theory to support warehouse management. In the second chapter the basic issues relating to fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are presented. [..] Read more
JURCZYK Krzysztof AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland, EU, kjurczyk@zarz.agh.edu.pl, wojciech.wozniak.293@zarz.agh.edu.pl
Co-authors: WOŹNIAK Wojciech
Abstract: In the paper spare parts inventory management issues in the multi-echelon structures are discussed. Differences between spare parts and finished products inventories have been pointed out and discussed as well as differences between single-echelon and multi-echelon inventory optimization and structure. [..] Read more
KOWAL Dominik AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland, EU
Co-authors: SZMAL Arkadiusz
Abstract: This paper is about knowledge logistics, the transfer of tangible and intellectual property, expertise, learning and skills between academia and the non-academic community. Innovations are essential for economic growth and development and are major determinants of long-term improvements in income and living standards. [..] Read more
PERZYŃSKA Agnieszka University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra, Poland, EU, a.perzynska@wez.uz.zgora.pl
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present logistics management, which occurs in transport enterprises in the Lubuskie Province. These companies provide services which are part of a complex supply chain. [..] Read more
KADŁUBEK Marta Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland, EU, martakadlubek@wp.pl
Co-authors: NOWAKOWSKA-GRUNT Joanna INGALDI Manuela DZIUBA Szymon
Abstract: The paper presents the problem of customer service as the field of the relationship of logistics and marketing. Mutual completion, dependencies and discrepancies of logistics and marketing potentials in the area of customer service have been reflected in the presented logistics and marketing processes in a traditional approach to customer service, the concepts of marketing logistics, logistics marketing or logistics and marketing management.. [..] Read more
MALINDŽÁK Dušan Technical University of Košice, Faculty BERG, The Institute of Logistics, Park Komenského 14, 043 84 Košice, Slovakia, EU, dusan.malindzak@tuke.sk
Abstract: Projects, projection are one of the basic characteristics of the society’s evolution at the end of 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. Projection, preparation of projects and their management is one of the basic factors for success of a human being, firm, institution in logistic area too. [..] Read more
BUKOWSKI Lech The University of Dąbrowa Górnicza, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland, EU, lbukowski@wsb.edu.pl
Co-authors: FELIKS Jerzy
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to propose a new methodology of supplier’s risk assessment. Based on the classic method of FMEA and its modifications we have developed a new method of supplier’s risk assessment. [..] Read more
HART Martin Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management, T.G. Masaryka 5555, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic, EU, hart@flkr.utb.cz, taraba@flkr.utb.cz, konecny@flkr.utb.cz
Co-authors: TARABA Pavel KONEČNÝ Jiří
Abstract: In consequence of growing international business volume and supply chain management importance, the purchasing as one company’s functional part has gained strategic role to be successful in the current business markets. (Paulraj, Chen, & Flynn, 2006) Contemporary supply chains of particular industrial branches are getting, in consequence of business markets globalization, still more complex and material flows streaming in them are getting still more bulky. [..] Read more
KOSACKA MONIKA Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management, Poznan, Poland, EU
Co-authors: WERNER-LEWANDOWSKA Karolina
Abstract: Sustainability is a hot issue, implemented at different levels, including whole world, regions, countries, cities/villages and companies. In the presented paper authors are focused on sustainability at the company level, which may be seen as a source of the competitiveness. [..] Read more
SKUPIEŃ Emilia Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, emilia.skupien@pwr.edu.pl, agnieszka.tubis@pwr.edu.pl
Co-authors: TUBIS Agnieszka
Abstract: On the study basis the authors found the presence of a gap in the research area of a risk management of urban transportation systems. There is relatively small amount of publications on risk analysis for the urban transportation systems. [..] Read more
NOWAKOWSKI Tomasz Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, tomasz.nowakowski@pwr.edu.pl, sylwia.werbinska@pwr.edu.pl, maciej.chlebus@pwr.edu.pl
Abstract: The paper discusses a problem of reliable performance of production processes. Reliability analyses of production systems regard considering many different factors and requirements. [..] Read more
PAWLIK Marcin Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Wroclaw, Poland, EU, marcin.pawlik@vba.pl, agnieszka.tubis@pwr.edu.pl, sylwia.werbinska@pwr.edu.pl
Abstract: In the presented paper, authors focus on the issues connected with risk management in road transport processes performance. Following this, in the article the main transport risk management definitions are discussed. [..] Read more
HANCZAR Paweł Wrocław University of Economics, Department of Logistics, Poland, EU, pawel.hanczar@ue.wroc.pl
Co-authors: KALETA Jacek KARKULA Marek
Abstract: The combination of decisions regarding inventory management and vehicle routing decision leads to complex combinatorial optimization problem called the Inventory Routing Problem (IRP). Several heuristic algorithms for solving IRP were proposed in recent years. [..] Read more
KONECKA Sylwia The Poznan School of Logistics, Poznan, Poland, EU, Sylwia.Konecka@wsl.com.pl
Co-authors: STAJNIAK Maciej SZOPIK-DEPCZYŃSKA Katarzyna
Abstract: In the paper will be presented the way performing the studies, particularly the selection and characterization of the survey sample and the analytical scheme of research. The results of this study will enable to answer the following questions: whether the use of JIT (Just In Time) increases the likelihood and consequences of disruption and whether JIT has been applied in an appropriate way. [..] Read more
STAJNIAK Maciej Institiute of Logistics and Warehousing, Poznan, Poland, EU, Maciej.Stajniak@ilim.poznan.pl
Co-authors: KONECKA Sylwia SZOPIK-DEPCZYŃSKA Katarzyna
Abstract: A company is like its processes and process awareness is half the battle in case of implementing modern IT tools for process mapping and modelling. Thanks to modelling the processes can be seen in a very realistic way taking into account many real limitations and also including random parameters which illustrate random factors. [..] Read more
Lewandowski Krzysztof Wrocław University of Technology, Poland, EU, krzysztof.lewandowski@pwr.edu.pl
Abstract: This article presents a proposition of classification of work of the supplies in the time of the delivery process at the last 100 meters in the city center. Based on fieldwork with 900 points is has been shown how the energy expenditure of supplier depends on the technology used to unload and the movement of goods to the customer. [..] Read more
SAWICKA Hanna Poznan University of Technology, Division of Transport Systems, Poznań, Poland, hanna.sawicka@put.poznan.pl; piotr.sawicki@put.poznan.pl
Co-authors: BODZIONY Przemysław SAWICKI Piotr
Abstract: This paper deals with the selection of technological vehicles to the specific mining and geological conditions in open cast surface mining. The problem is formulated as a multiple criteria ranking of variants, which are different types of technological vehicles. [..] Read more
MARASOVÁ Daniela Technical University of Košice, Fakulty of BERG, Letná 9, Košice, Slovak Republic, EU; daniela.marasova@tuke.sk; janka.saderova@tuke.sk
Co-authors: ŠADEROVÁ Janka
Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to point out all deficiencies within the consignment sorting process. The article suggests an appropriate alternative for unloading, reloading, sorting, and loading of consignments, using the multiple-criteria decision making. [..] Read more
OLCZYK Adrian Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Automatic Control, Gliwice, Poland, EU
Co-authors: GAŁUSZKA Adam
Abstract: The bus arrival time is one of the key elements in public transport information systems. The amount of Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) systems is growing, therefore in this paper we aim to provide a cloud-based machine learning solution of this problem. [..] Read more
NOWICKA Katarzyna SGH – Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw, Poland, EU
Abstract: Constant global economic growth and deepening differentiation in customer demand resulting in expectation of supplies customization are stimulating increasing in international trade. In effect transport activates are becoming more intensive on the global scale. [..] Read more
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