KLEPACKI Bogdan WULS – Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, bogdan_klepacki@sggw.pl
Abstract: Agriculture is the sector with strong specificity of production processes. This results from the use of the forces of nature (earth, solar, biological processes) and live organisms. [..] Read more
BOTLÍK Josef Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina, CR, EU, botlik@opf.slu.cz
Co-authors: DOLÁK Radim HRUBÁ Lucie
Abstract: Distribution chains can change their parameters. There are changes in the final quantity and the final destinations too. [..] Read more
CICHOSZ Marzenna Warsaw School of Economics, Poland, EU, Marzenna.Cichosz@sgh.waw.pl
Abstract: One of the most prominent targets of the EU Transport Whitepaper is the ambition to shift 30% of road freight, transported more than 300 kilometers, to multimodal by 2030 and 50% by 2050. Transport and logistics industries are working on achieving this goal with a strong commitment and contribution from chemical companies. [..] Read more
MICHLOWICZ Edward AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland, EU
Co-authors: SMOLIŃSKA Katarzyna
Abstract: The complex manufacture of refrigerating equipment most often uses the cellular structure. The problem in improving the material flow is a correct planning of processes in the individual cells. [..] Read more
KIBA-JANIAK Maja Wroclaw University of Economics, Faculty of Management, Economics and Tourism, Nowowiejska Street, No. 3, 58-500 Jelenia Góra, Poland EU, maja.kiba-janiak@ue.wroc.pl, tomasz.kolakowski@ue.wroc.pl
Co-authors: KOŁAKOWSKI Tomasz
Abstract: The aim of the paper is the identification of the cooperation areas between Japanese companies located in Poland and local governments in terms of particular stages of life cycle of an organization. The paper presents the results of the study conducted among Japanese enterprises and local governments located in the region of Dolny Śląsk in Poland. [..] Read more
CHAKUU Sumeer University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland, EU, schakuu@wsiz.rzeszow.pl, mnedza@wsiz.rzeszow.pl
Co-authors: NĘDZA Michał
Abstract: The zones along the Baltic and the Adriatic have substantial geographical, economic and transport similarities. The strengthening of economic growth and the dynamics of the flow of goods has provided intermodality the utmost importance. [..] Read more
ŻYWIOŁEK Justyna Technical University of Czestochowa, Czestochowa, Poland
Abstract: The article presents the outcomes of research concerning information security in the supply chain. The research has been based on the scientific observations and the analysis of the state of the enterprise that were performed in three metallurgical plants. [..] Read more
WITKOWSKI Krzysztof University of Zielona Gora, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Logistics, Podgorna 50, 65-246 Zielona Gora, Poland, k.witkowski@wez.uz.zgora.pl
Co-authors: KUROWSKI Mateusz WASILEWSKI Wiesław
Abstract: The research concerns a very important area of management, namely, reverse logistics, as the ecological conditions of the transition from the traditional model of material flows to the modern approach of logistics, as a closed cycle of materials and energy. This subject is very timely in light of the strategy pursued by the European Union for sustainable development, based on the concept of the system of "Integrated governance" which consists of a triad: society - economy - environment (ecosystem). [..] Read more
WITKOWSKI Jarosław Wroclaw University of Economics, Wroclaw, Poland, EU, jaroslaw.witkowski@ue.wroc.pl, mkiba-janiak@poczta.ae.jgora.pl
Co-authors: KIBA-JANIAK Maja CHEBA Katarzyna
Abstract: For an efficient and effective management of a supply chain a significant impact has a cooperation undertaken by companies establishing communications with other entities forming the common supply chain. The emphasis is both on the relationship established in various areas of a functional supply chain and at different stages of its development. [..] Read more
KADŁUBEK Marta Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland, EU, martakadlubek@wp.pl
Co-authors: INGALDI Manuela
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to identify the area of logistics customer service in the selected company as the one determining market success of the surveyed business entity, particularly taking into account the level of the processes of logistics service in the opinion of the customers. The applied research method was the Servqual method which, among others, enabled the assessment and specification of the level of customer expectations towards the quality of the services provided by the enterprise. [..] Read more
INGALDI Manuela Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Al. Armii Krajowej 19b p.309z, 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland, manuela@gazeta.pl
Co-authors: KADŁUBEK Marta
Abstract: Typical logistic process concerns actions which relate to product delivery to the customer. New approach to environmental protection, especially sustainable development concept forced another step, e.g. [..] Read more
NOWICKA-SKOWRON Maria Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Institute of Logistics and International Management, Czestochowa, Poland, EU
Co-authors: ULEWICZ Robert
Abstract: The paper presents identification of problems during the implementation of lean concept in enterprises in Poland. On the case, the manufacturer of semi-trailers car there was assessed the influence of lean tools for logistics processes in the production area. [..] Read more
MAZUR Magdalena Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Częstochowa, Poland, EU, mazur.m@zim.pcz.pl
Abstract: Paper presents an analysis of the logistics system. The analysis covered the production system manufacture of cement. [..] Read more
KLIMECKA-TATAR Dorota Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa Poland, EU
Co-authors: WYSŁOCKA Elżbieta
Abstract: The paper presents the graphically production planning in dental offices and technical laboratories. In the paper, the two typical scheduling tools, flow char and Gantt chart have been used. [..] Read more
MALINDZAKOVA Marcela Technical University of Kosice, Institute of Logistics, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, TU Kosice, Slovakia, marcela.malindzakova@tuke.sk
Co-authors: ROSOVA Andrea STRAKA Martin BUSA Michal
Abstract: Production processes (PP) consist of continuous and discrete types of technology operation, transport, manipulation and storing processes regards the flow of material and also the equipment and machines. Other specifics are: long production cycles, great inertia, tree structure of production processes (from roots up to the leaves), high level of investments etc. [..] Read more
RYSZKO Adam Silesian University of Technology, Poland, EU, adam.ryszko@polsl.pl
Abstract: The nature of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the expectations regarding disclosures in this area are changing rapidly. In addition, nowadays companies are increasingly encouraged to explore and report on details of impacts in the entire supply chain. [..] Read more
HOLMAN David ŠKODA AUTO University, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic, EU, david.holman@savs.cz, radim.lenort@savs.cz, pavel.wicher@savs.cz, david.stas@savs.cz, fomin1991@gmail.com
Co-authors: LENORT Radim WICHER Pavel STAŠ David FAMIN Dmitry
Abstract: Up to now, all the supply chain concepts (LARG, SCM 2.0, Sustainable) have been solving the efficiency of satisfying customer wishes in the supply chain by analysing the efficiency of particular chains or its interactions. The most important practices and methodologies were integration, process management, production value added, automation, leanness, agility, resiliency etc. [..] Read more
BARAN Jolanta Silesian University of Technology, Poland, EU
Co-authors: JANIK Agnieszka RYSZKO Adam SZAFRANIEC Marek
Abstract: The growing scarcity of natural resources and increase of consumption have resulted in the adoption of an ambitious Circular Economy Package. It has to contribute to "closing the loop" of product life cycles through more recycling and greater re-use of waste generated through entire life cycle. [..] Read more
WICHER Pavel ŠKODA AUTO University, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic, EU, pavel.wicher@savs.cz, radim.lenort@savs.cz, david.holman@savs.cz, david.stas@savs.cz
Co-authors: LENORT Radim SVOZIL Martin ČECH Martin HOLMAN David STAŠ David
Abstract: The reward system is one of the fundamental elements influencing the managers’ motivation in most companies. The development of such a system is usually a long and expensive task, and the result is very sensitive to unfairness and mistakes. [..] Read more
KAČMÁRY Peter Technical University of Košice, Faculty BERG, The Institute of Logistics, Park Komenského 14, 043 84, Košice, Slovakia, EU, peter.kacmary@tuke.sk, martin.straka@tuke.sk, marcela.malindzakova@tuke.sk, peter.bindzar@tuke.sk.
Co-authors: STRAKA Martin MALINDŽÁKOVÁ Marcela BINDZÁR Peter
Abstract: This paper deals with multi factor analysis to obtain more reliable forecast. The sale is influenced very strongly by the prices of offered products especially in retails. [..] Read more
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