JARZĘBOWSKI Sebastian Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland, EU, sjarzebowski@kozminski.edu.pl
Co-authors: BEZAT Natalia
Abstract: Digitalization has made its way to all industries. Technological enablers like broadband and mobile internet, wearables and big data or the Internet of Things and cloud computing have made it possible to develop entirely new business models and provide new offerings (value propositions) to customers. [..] Read more
DUDEK Marek AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Management, Department of Business Management, Poland, EU, mdudek@zarz.agh.edu.pl
Abstract: Attaining the highest level of manufacturing system organization requires low-cost structural flexibility, associated response speed and adaptability to the changing market and technological environment. The low-cost flexibility of a manufacturing system is a combination of organizational elements that leads to the balancing of the system internal flexibility and leanness levels. [..] Read more
PECINOVA Zuzana University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU
Co-authors: BRANSKA Lenka PATAK Michal HALASKA Adam
Abstract: Distribution intermediaries have an indispensable role in food supply systems as links between food manufacturers and the retail network. When supplying products, manufacturers provide different logistics services to distribution intermediaries. [..] Read more
MARASOVÁ Daniela Technical University of Košice, Faculty of BERG, Letná 9, Košice, Slovak Republic, EU; daniela.marasova@tuke.sk, janka.saderova@tuke.sk
Co-authors: ŠADEROVÁ Janka
Abstract: Storage of goods is one of the most important subsystems of the logistics system in a company. The paper deals with the problem of increasing warehouse static capacity of a selected warehouse. [..] Read more
AMBRIŠKO Ľubomír Technical University of Košice, Faculty BERG, Institute of Logistics, Košice, Slovak Republic, EU, lubomir.ambrisko@tuke.sk
Abstract: The present paper deals with maintenance in a public transport enterprise. It contains an overview of the implementation of the prescribed maintenance of vehicles while the main purpose is to analyse the maintenance costs, i.e., the costs of the service process logistics. [..] Read more
ZIMON Grzegorz Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszow, Poland, EU, gzimon@prz.edu.pl
Abstract: Effective management of an enterprise needs to be based on financial security. Uncertain financial situation of a company limits the efficient making of short-term decisions that directly affect the level of net working capital. [..] Read more
GRABOWSKA Sandra Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Katowice, Poland, EU, sandra.grabowska@polsl.pl
Abstract: Industry 4.0 is a concept that means the integration of intelligent machines, systems and introducing changes in production processes, aimed at increasing production efficiency and introducing the possibility of flexible changes in the assortment of products. Industry 4.0 is focused on continuous improvement of production processes. [..] Read more
FURMAN Joanna Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Material Engineering and Metallurgy, Katowice, Poland, EU, joanna.furman@polsl.pl, marzena.kuczynska-chalada@polsl.pl
Co-authors: KUCZYŃSKA-CHAŁADA Marzena
Abstract: Production logistics, just like any other functional area of an enterprise, must be constantly optimized and improved to meet the requirements of growing competition in terms of technology and in terms of customer satisfaction. The efficiency of logistics processes in the production system depends on the use of various methods and tools offered by modern management concepts. [..] Read more
KUCZYŃSKA CHALADA - Marzena Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy, Katowice, Poland, EU, joanna.furman@polsl.pl, marzena.kuczynska-chalada@polsl.pl
Co-authors: FURMAN Joanna
Abstract: The TWI (Training Within Industry) program is considered the foundation of Lean Management. It is a program to develop the skills of superiors in the field of instructing employees and improving working methods which translates into an improvement in the organization of logistics processes. [..] Read more
KRAMARZ Marzena Silesian University of Technology, Poland, EU, mkramarz@polsl.pl
Abstract: Disruptions generated at the meeting point of cooperating organizations are a special issue in the process of network co-ordination. This paper aims at identifying relation risk in different models of a distribution network of steel products. [..] Read more
VLCKOVA Vladimira University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of Economy and Management of Chemical and Food Industries, Pardubice, Czech Republic, EU, vladimira.vlckova@upce.cz, st48629@student.upce.cz
Co-authors: PODSKUBKOVA Lucie
Abstract: The quality of provided services relating to the product is considered one of the most important elements of development and sustaining effective and successful relationships within supply systems and a key factor of corporate competitiveness in the B2B market. The paper deals with targeted literature review that is focused on current concept of customer services mainly in B2B market, as well as on the interpretation and definition of service quality and on the way of its assessment using INDSERV tool. [..] Read more
JAROCKA Marta Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok, Poland, EU, m.jarocka@pb.edu.pl
Abstract: The logistics services market is constantly evolving and changing. Logistics companies try to design new services to meet the expectations of their customers. [..] Read more
DOHN Katarzyna Silesian University of Technology, Poland, EU, kdohn@polsl.pl, mkramarz@polsl.pl, eprzybylska@polsl.pl
Co-authors: KRAMARZ Marzena PRZYBYLSKA Edyta
Abstract: The article attempts to identify and assess socio-technological conditions for the development of intermodal transport in the cross-border areas of the Silesia and Opole province. The research presented in the article is based on expert judgment and is a fragment of broader research aimed at developing a strategy for the development of freight transport in the field of international research project implemented in territorial cooperation of three countries: the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia with the participation of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation TRITIA, established to improve cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation between its members.. [..] Read more
PRZYBYLSKA Edyta Silesian University of Technology, Poland, EU, eprzybylska@polsl.pl
Abstract: The European transport policy assumes the growth of intermodal transport utilization within cargo haulage. Systematic increase of cargo weight and performed haulage operations using the concept of intermodal transport has been noticed in Poland. [..] Read more
DOHN Katarzyna Silesian University of Technology, Poland, EU, kdohn@polsl.pl, aleksandra.wierzbicka@polsl.pl, zzebrucki@polsl.pl
Co-authors: WIERZBICKA Aleksandra ŻEBRUCKI Zbigniew
Abstract: Inland waterway transport is an important element of the freight transport throughout Europe. Waterways connect the most important points of transport infrastructure with each other, which provides direct access to the sea for countries that do not have it. [..] Read more
KRUCZEK Mariusz Central Mining Institute, Department of Water Protection, Katowice, Poland, EU, mkruczek@gig.eu, pzawartka@gig.eu
Co-authors: ZAWARTKA Paweł
Abstract: Article presents the relationships between the circular economy and reverse logistic with a particular emphasis on the role of processes in reverse logistics and circular economy principles in the creation of closed loop supply chains. The main links between reverse logistic and circular economy were identified on the basis of a literature review. [..] Read more
SAMOLEJOVÁ Andrea VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, andrea.samolejova@vsb.cz, martin.lammpa@vsb.cz, andrea.sikorova@vsb.cz
Co-authors: LAMPA Martin SIKOROVÁ Andrea
Abstract: In the present era of economic growth, most industries in developed countries are calling for people. In the Czech Republic a low unemployment rate also persists, which is the problem for most employers. [..] Read more
SIKOROVÁ Andrea VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, andrea.sikorova@vsb.cz, martin.lampa@vsb.cz, andrea.samolejova@vsb.cz
Co-authors: LAMPA Martin SAMOLEJOVÁ Andrea
Abstract: Project management is based on a process concept by which we understand all the activities and subjects involved in the project. When planning a process, it is necessary to meet the basic requirement that is that the activities must be planned and logically connected to each other. [..] Read more
LAMPA Martin VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU, martin.lammpa@vsb.cz, andrea.samolejova@vsb.cz, andrea.sikorova@vsb.cz
Co-authors: SAMOLEJOVÁ Andrea SIKOROVÁ Andrea
Abstract: People are met with waiting in queues every day. They wait in queues in shops, at gas stations, elevators etc. [..] Read more
STAWIARSKA Ewa Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, EU, ewa.stawiarska@polsl.pl
Co-authors: SOBCZAK Paweł PAWŁOWSKA Elżbieta
Abstract: The objective of the paper was to indicate internationalisation barriers of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) from Great Britain. Expectations of SMEs towards activities supporting internationalisation were demonstrated. [..] Read more
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