from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
The study is focused on the wetting of nanofibrous layers of polycaprolactone. In the study, we proceeded to compare layers from direct current spinning and alternating current spinning. During the study, it was found that direct current spinning produces hydrophilic layers, and alternating current spinning produces hydrophobic layers. The study also found that the contact angle is affected by the solvent system. Due to the widespread use of polycaprolactone in tissue engineering, wetting of the fibrous layers with a gelatin hydrogel was also performed in the experiment. During the study, the Kwok-Neumann and Li-Neumann models were used to calculate the surface energy of the fibrous layers, and these models were also used to calculate the theoretical contact angles that the gelatin hydrogel will make on the fibrous layers. The study showed that the used models could predict how the fibre layers will be wetted with the prepared hydrogel.
Keywords: Nanofibres, polycaprolactone, gelatin, electrospinning, hydrogel, wetting© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.