from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
High-silicon grain oriented steels require strict requirements for chemical composition. The steelmaking process must therefore be extremely tightly controlled due to the need to achieve elemental compactness within strictly defined ranges. Particularly important in this regard is the Al/N ratio. The hot-rolling process is also subject to special requirements, being carried out at high temperatures due to the favorable effect of temperature on the solubility of AlN which is an inhibitor of grain growth in the secondary recrystallization process occurring in the subsequent stages of the electrižcal steelmaking process. The processes of precipitation and solubility of non-metallic inclusions such as AlN play a key role in the formation of the desired texture. To determine the occurrence of precipitation processes of non-metallic inclusions, studies on precipitation processes were performed: thermocalk under equilibrium conditions, dilatometric studies on heating and cooling and cooling according to the technological process. It was found that despite the potential for the occurrence of austenitic region, in practice, there is no entry into the austenitic range. On the other hand, the effects of AlN precipitation can be observed.
Keywords: Grain oriented high silicon steel, precipitation, dilatometric analysis, production processes© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.