from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
In article questions of development, low-waste technologies of processing of steel-smelting slag are considered, gland allowing by extraction and its connections from steel-smelting slag to receive additional raw materials for production became, and the remains to use in building industry. Complex processing of steel-smelting slags as the main way of engineering-ecological development of society was offered in the mid-sixties the past century, generally by scientists from the CIS countries. Based on their application, it was supposed not only it is most useful to use the consumed raw material resources, but also to try to process formed entirely waste. Thus present at a firm oxidizer iron assimilates with metal and promotes degree increase complex raw materials use. In this case, as firm oxidizers can be used, oxides the connections of iron taken from utilized slags of joint-stock company "Uzbeksteel."
Keywords: Slag, metallurgical dust, fusion mixture, melting, production efficiency© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.