from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
The aim of the present work was to improve the quality of the single crystal permanent magnets based on the Ticonal 9 alloy (35 % Co, 14 % Ni, 7 % Al, 5 % Ti, 4 % Cu, Fe the rest, in wt.%) applied in the precision instruments of the space techniques. The alignment, configuration and structural perfection of the Ticonal 9 based single crystal magnets with different magnetic characteristics have been studied in the work. Single crystals grown of the melt by the directional controlled solidification method with the seed crystals having the [001] alignment were used. Single crystals underwent standard heat–magnetic treatment (HMT) but had various parameters of the induction distribution on the poles. X-ray structure analysis and x-ray diffraction topography allowed to study the crystal structure of the alloy after the HMT, to determine the lattice periods of the α– and α’–phases, to reveal two different pencil-like and plate-like configuration types. Small randomly aligned crystals have been found. The single crystal structure was correlated to the induction distribution in the air gap on the magnet poles. The results of the study allowed improve the single crystal production technique.
Keywords: Single crystal, permanent magnet, magnetic induction, lattice, phase© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.