from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
The article focuses on the technology of machining thermal sprays and the determination of suitable machining parameters with respect to the achieved quality of the machined surface. Thermal sprays are characterized by a very good workability in terms of chip machining technology, but this production results in a defective surface quality (ripped coating). Determination of suitable parameters was performed during the Metco 52C - NS heat treatment. This spray using most commonly in the aerospace industry as a gasket for air jet compressors. The evaluation of the thermal properties of the proposed thermal processing machining parameters was carried out by measuring the force of the machine - tool - workpiece system. The KISTLER 9257B piezoelectric dynamometer was used to measure force load patterns. From the achieved results, the appropriate machining parameters were subsequently determined to reduce machine time while maintaining the required quality of the surface treated surface of the Metco 52C-NS heat treatment.
Keywords: Thermal sprayed coatings, machining, cutting inserts© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.