METAL - International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials

Conference Proceedings - METAL 2016

25th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials
May 25th - 27th 2016 / Hotel Voronez I, Brno, Czech Republic, EU
ISSN: 2694-9296
ISBN: 978-80-87294-67-3
Proceedings of the conference were published in Web of Science and Scopus.

25th Anniversary International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials METAL 2016 was held on May 25th - 27th 2016 traditionally in Brno. From 450 registered participants, 418 persons from 21 countries attended the conference (233 participants from the Czech Republic, 113 from Poland, 17 from Slovakia, 13 from Russian Federation, 9 from Romania, 9 from Turkey, 4 from Austria, as well as Germany, Algeria, France or Denmark). The participants presented 140 lectures and 249 posters. The conference was divided into six sessions and poster session due to the topics:

Number of papers:
Plenary session (2 papers); Commercial presentation (1 paper); Session A (15 papers, 21 posters); Session B (19 papers, 33 posters); Session C (24 papers, 46 posters); Session D (24 papers, 33 posters); Session E (36 papers, 51 posters); Session F (19 papers, 65 posters); Publication of paper (without attendance)1 paper 

Presentation of companies:
Thermo-Calc Software AB - sponsor (exhibitor)
Linde Gas a.s. (exhibitor)
Zwick Roell CZ s.r.o. (exhibitor)
Česká společnost pro nové materiály a technologie
MSV - Veletrhy Brno
Regionální materiálově technologické výzkumné centrum
ŽĎAS a.s.

On Thursday afternoon took place the accompanying program, which included the Cruise ship on the Brno dam, the visit of the Brno Planetarium, VIDA! Science centre or Villa Löw-Beer. The participants were greatly appreciated of this.

The first day was held in Voronez I Restaurant Social evening with wine tasting of South Moravia with accompanied by Swing quartet. Celebratory cake baked for the occasion of the anniversary was served. The following evening took place at Moravska chalupa Beer party with grilling meat.

In the poster session, almost 250 posters took part in a contest for the best poster. 3 prizes and five honorable mentions were announced based on the evaluation of chairmen of sessions. Winners were awarded the diplomas and practical gifts. 

Winners of Poster session:
1st price - CHAUVEAU Florent - ERAMET RESEARCH, Trappes, France, EU
2nd price - MRZYGŁÓD Barbara - AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, EU
3rd price - OPĚLA Petr - VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU

Honorable mentions:
DOJKA Malwina - Silesian University of Technology, Polsko, EU
VOJTĚCH Dalibor - Vysoká škoda chemicko-technologická v Praze, Česká republika, EU
KUSMIČ David - Univerzita obrany, Brno, Česká republika, EU
ZÝKA Jiří - UJP PRAHA, a.s., Česká republika, EU
PAPADATU Carmen Penelopi - "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, Rumunsko, EU

Read more
HOJNY Marcin AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, EU
Co-authors: DĘBIŃSKI Tomasz
Abstract: The article presents use of stereoscopic techniques for visualization of simulation results from heating/deformation process of steel with a semi-solid zone. The numerical model describes phases of material, solid, semi-solid and liquid. [..] Read more
KÁŇA Josef University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Pilsen, Czech Republic, EU
Co-authors: RUBEŠOVÁ Kateřina KREIBICH Viktor MAŠEK Bohuslav
Abstract: In steel research, as well as in the manufacture of semi-finished metallurgical products and finished formed products, such as forged parts, the material is often heated to high temperatures which leads to surface oxidation and decarburization. Material-technological modelling involves the use of small-size specimens which are treated according to schedules identical to those in real-world processing. [..] Read more
KAWULOK Rostislav VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU,,,,,
Abstract: The paper is aimed at evaluation of effect previous plastic deformation on transformation kinetics of rail steel class IH alloyed with chromium. The CCT and DCCT diagrams were assembled on the basis of dilatometric tests with and/or without an influence of the previous deformation. [..] Read more
KLAPUT Pavel VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU,,,
Co-authors: FABÍK Richard HALFAROVÁ Petra
Abstract: Many alloys that have lamellar structures, e.g., pearlitic steel, are widely used in practice. For the evaluation of the quality of steel wires for tyre cords, springs and ropes are studied extensively at our laboratory of wire drawing. [..] Read more
KOCZURKIEWICZ Bartosz Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Institute of Metal Forming and Safety Engineering, Czestochowa, Poland, EU
Co-authors: STEFANIK Andrzej LABER Konrad
Abstract: The paper present the concept of a mathematical model for predicting changes in the austenite microstructure of high-carbon steel. Based of physical modeling changes of microstructure the mathematical model for predicting changes in the austenite microstructure was built. [..] Read more
KORFANTY Katarzyna University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Non-Ferrous Metals, Cracow, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: ŻABA Krzysztof SZWACHTA Grzegorz SEIBT Przemysław PUCHLERSKA Sandra
Abstract: The paper presents the results of research on the selection of tool materials, lubricants and self-lubricating coatings in the process of rotary forming of nickel superalloy Inconel type sheets. The abrasiveness tests of sheets were carried out with roller made of ceramics FRIALIT® F99.7 and steel CALDIE®. [..] Read more
LABER Konrad Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Institute for Plastic Working and Safety Engineering, Czestochowa, Poland, EU
Co-authors: DYJA Henryk KAWAŁEK Anna KOCZURKIEWICZ Bartosz
Abstract: The paper presents the results of numerical and physical modelling of the development of microstructure during the process of hot rolling of 20 mm diameter plain round bars. The tests described in the paper were carried out for the technological conditions of a sample bar rolling mill. [..] Read more
MALINOWSKI Tomasz Pratt & Whitney Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland, EU,
Abstract: To determine the value of springback coefficient of sheet metal the cylindrical bending tests were conducted. The experimental tests of bending process were carried out using special device which allows to measure the value of sheet springback. [..] Read more
MALINOWSKI Tomasz Pratt & Whitney Rzeszow, Rzeszów, Poland, EU,
Co-authors: PIEJA Tomasz BĄK Artur HOJNY Marcin TRZEPIECINSKI Tomasz
Abstract: In this article, the results of modifications of the forming process of the bearing housing of a turbine engine are presented. The bearing housing is one of the critical structural elements of a turbine engine and is made of AMS 5504 stainless steel. [..] Read more
MIŁEK Tomasz Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, Department of Applied Computer Science and Armament Engineering, Kielce, Poland, EU,
Abstract: The paper presents experimental results that concern hydromechanical bulging of copper axisymmetric components whose relative wall thickness was s0/D= 0.045. The specimens used in investigations were segments of copper tubes having the outer diameter D= 22 mm and wall thickness s0 = 1 mm. [..] Read more
KUC Dariusz Silesian University of Technology, Krasińskiego 8 Street, Katowice, Poland,
Abstract: The article presents the results of tests of influence of the thermo-mechanical treatment parameters (such as temperature, cooling conditions) on the mechanical properties and microstructure of steel 23MnB4 indicated for cold-heading. The process of rolling was conducted in simulation in continuous finishing train arrangement of four rolling stands in a laboratory of Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering VSB Ostrava. [..] Read more
OPĚLA Petr VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU,,,,,
Co-authors: SCHINDLER Ivo KAWULOK Petr VANČURA Filip KAWULOK Rostislav RUSZ Stanislav
Abstract: Prediction capability of a newly derived hot flow stress model is demonstrated on experimental flow curves of steel 38MnVS6. These flow curves were also described by the commonly used equations like Cingara & McQueen, JMAK or Hensel-Spittel. [..] Read more
PAČÁK Tomáš Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, EU,,
Co-authors: TATÍČEK František CHRÁŠŤANSKÝ Lukáš
Abstract: Computation of the springback phenomenon in numerical simulations, together with its prediction, is a very complex subject. Final results of the springback analysis are highly dependent on the initial FE settings. [..] Read more
Rusz Stanislav VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU,,,,,
Co-authors: Schindler Ivo DÄNEMARK Janusz Kawulok Petr Kawulok Rostislav Opěla Petr
Abstract: 5 types of steel, which were differently alloyed with chromium, molybdenum and nickel, were examined. Determination of the temperatures martensite start temperature (Ms) and martensite finish (Mf) was performed by dilatometer with the use of the plastometer GLEEBLE 3800 and relevant CCT evaluation software. [..] Read more
RUSZ Stanislav VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU,
Co-authors: SALAJKA Michal HILŠER Ondřej KEDROŇ Jan BOŘUTA Josef PASTRŇÁK Martin TYLŠAR Stanislav
Abstract: Development of technologies for the production of the very fine structure is currently very intensively accelerated. Even in scientific research, it is recognized that precisely controlled forming processes, including special processes, enabling control of technological parameters with regard to the structure refinement, and tied with the strengthening of materials, currently had the highest gradient of utilization efficiency of the scientific research findings in practice. [..] Read more
SOBOTKA Jiří TUL - Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic, EU,
Co-authors: SOLFRONK Pavel KOLNEROVÁ Michaela ZUZÁNEK Lukáš
Abstract: Deformation characteristics of the materials used in the engineering industry are mostly determined at the common stress-temperature conditions (mostly loading rate 10 mm∙min-1 and temperature 20 °C). However in the operating life are materials loaded under conditions which are quite different from these standard conditions. [..] Read more
SOLFRONK Pavel TUL - Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic, EU,
Co-authors: SOBOTKA Jiří KOLNEROVÁ Michaela ZUZÁNEK Lukáš
Abstract: The metal forming technology is (mainly due to the automotive industry) one of the most dynamically developing branch of the engineering industry. Continuous effort to achieve the top technological level and car´s safety factor at keeping the low price level means necessity to still implement into own production process also the newest mathematical models of these technological processes. [..] Read more
SULIGA Maciej Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Institute of Metal Forming and Safety Engineering, Czestochowa, Poland, EU,
Abstract: In this work the theoretical-experimental analysis of the effect of the drawing speed on force parameters in multipass drawing process of high carbon steel wires has been assessed. Theoretical analysis of the heating of the wire in the high speed multistage drawing process was carried out on software Drawing 2D, in which the longitudinal stresses, drawing forces and drawing stresses has been estimated. [..] Read more
VYKYDAL David VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, EU,,
Co-authors: DOROTÍK Jiří HALFAROVÁ Petra
Abstract: This paper deals with using the design of experiments (DOE) during the evaluation of mechanical properties of the wire for steel ropes. It was provided with a full factorial experiment with three factors at two levels. [..] Read more
WOLF Christoph Institute of Biomedical Mechatronics, Johannes Kepler University of Linz (JKU), Linz, Austria, EU,
Co-authors: STADLER Anna Theresia BAUMGARTNER Werner
Abstract: Since the use of cold-rolled steel sections is a standard method in mechanical engineering and steelwork and cost efficiency is always a big issue, it is of great interest to address the highly non convex problem of cross-section optimisation. At a first glance classic genetic algorithms already seem to be suitable for this problem, because they are powerful search heuristics for solutions in non convex problems. [..] Read more
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