from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
Currently still prevailing system of maintenance - repair after failure. This maintenance management system demonstrates the deteriorating state of the production facility in metallurgical, but also other factories and increasing level of repair costs. Yet many companies remain at this management method, mistrust economic impact and return on new systems, and particularly fear the high cost of implementation of systems like TPM into practice. Maintenance management is part of every production system, including metallurgy. This creates a need to find a simple and understandable mechanism that helps the decision making process of changing the approach to maintenance management, and demonstrating its economic benefits. The aim of this paper is to draw conclusions from extensive study of maintenance expensiveness of metallurgic services and solution of this problematic by implementing of TPM system.
Keywords: Maintenance, TPM, TIM, system costs, losses, efficient, saving, metallurgical production© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.