from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
For the newly proposed pneumohydraulic drive of workpiece return movement it is researched relations, analysis was carried out and recommendations of selecting values of the initial pressure in the pneumatic chamber, ensuring a rational ratio between the periods of acceleration and deceleration were obtained. The mathematical model and program were created for calculation of the law of motion of the brake rod with floating piston device using the system variable throttling the flow of the working fluid along the movement in the brake chamber. On the basis of the developed model there is made the numerical analysis to assess the impact of the inner surface of the brake axle box on the final rate of the brake piston, as well as the effect of the location and change in the area of additional throttling apertures therein on the trend values of the maximum braking acceleration of moving masses. There is obtained the algorithm of determining the constants and variables control law of motion, minimizing the maximum values of dynamic loads per cycle movement of the workpiece. It is shown that the proposed embodiment of the rod system of the workpiece return movement in the working cage with a floating piston ensures reduce the moving masses and increase the rigidity of the movable rod. It is obtained calculated relations for the definition of effort mobile carriage prop, providing gapless its support with mechanism of feed limit.
Keywords: Pneumatic and brake chamber, floating piston, variable throttling, mechanism of feed limit© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.