from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
Nowadays the efficient reclamation of used moulding sand is a vital part of foundries policies from both economical, technological and environmental-friendly points of view. The ability to use reclaimed sand of proper quality not only allows to save money that would have to be spent on new sand, it also allows the foundry to have smaller storage area and to reduce the negative impact on the environment caused by worn out moulding sand. The purpose of the study was to identify the impact of increased temperature fluidized bed drying of alphaset and floster moulding sand in their reclamation process on the quality of the reclaimed sand. Moulding sand reclamation plant taken into examination used in cast steel and cast iron foundry Odlewnia Staliwa Łabędy utilizes mechanical reclamation process. Part of this process is fluidized bed drying of the sand in 120 °C. This article presents the comparison of two obtained reclaims: first with the drying temperature of 120 °C, second with room drying temperature. Preliminary research revealed that humidity of the reclaim is not affected whether the temperature is increased or not. To determine and compare the quality of both obtained reclaims their screen analysis and ignition loss were carried out alongside with bending and tensile strength tests of moulding sand prepared with the use of two examined reclaims.
Keywords: reclamation, moulding sand, floster, alphaset© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.