from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
Although profitability of reverse logistics can have its roots in rather diverse areas, most of them can be attached to how and how well reverse flows are managed. Specific character of reverse flows requires planning and innovative approach as well as some level of managers´ understanding and commitment, there are also several drivers for companies which make them to be involved in reverse logistics management. These drivers can be placed on the continuum from the pure economic and/or financial ones to the non-economic. Although it can be very individual, some presumptions may be formulated that link some typical drivers to some industries based on characteristics of the environmental forces (drivers). This idea stands as the background for the survey presented in the paper. Analysis of responses from 32 companies from metal industry compared to 147 companies from other industries revealed some expected and some surprising differences in perceived drivers of reverse logistics management linked to the profitability and some other managerial issues. Although the findings cannot be generalized due to the small number of companies in the sample, results show several points for food for thought and further research.
Keywords: reverse logistics, management, drivers, profitability, metal industry© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.