METAL - International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials

Conference Proceedings - METAL 2009

18th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials
May 19th - 21st 2009 / Červený Zámek, Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic, EU
ISSN: 2694-9296
ISBN: 978-80-87294-10-9
Proceedings of the conference were published in Web of Science and Scopus.

18th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials took place from May 19th to 21st 2009 in Hradec nad Moravicí and it had 5 Symposia again. There were reported four papers in the plenary session. The participants had possibility to listen to another 89 papers. The number of participants was 157. There was 125 participants from Czech Republic. There was participants from abroad: Slovakia 12, Poland 8, Russia 7, Korea 1, Germany 1, Kazachstan 2 and Switzerland 1.

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