from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
The conviction of good fuel quality determines whether the user is satisfied and loyal. The most important criterion in this case is trust in the quality offered. Achieving a compromise between quality and price is the main goal of the aspirations of most users of modern automotive technology. For some, it is the expectation of the highest quality, for others a satisfactory quality at the lowest possible price, but a minimum level of confidence is always a necessary condition that the fuel used will not harm the automotive technique used. The perception of fuel quality is much more often based on a skillfully created brand image than on the observations, experience and knowledge of customers, because the quality of fuel can only be objectively assessed by a professional laboratory, conducting sample tests in accordance with established standards and procedures. Therefore, we are dealing with a kind of asymmetry of knowledge between the fuel buyer and its supplier, which in turn requires a huge credit trust of customers, on the one hand, and on the other is a temptation to various types of abuse. That is why there are systems that play the role of an impartial, objective expert whose one of the tasks is to eliminate the mentioned asymmetry. Functioning systems often do not fully meet the requirements set out in them, which is why the presented concept of modification of the national system for monitoring and controlling the quality of liquid fuels in Poland, according to the author, can contribute to improving the effectiveness of eliminating inadequate quality fuels from the market. The article discusses the legal foundations and main assumptions of the liquid fuel quality monitoring and control system in force in Poland, with particular emphasis on the risk of quality deterioration occurring in the distribution process. The biggest shortcomings of the functioning system were identified. The next part presents the author's proposition to modify the existing system of monitoring and quality control in Poland, developed on the basis of experience and conclusions gathered during the research on the correct functioning of the system in the years 2009 - 2018.
Keywords: Liquid fuels, supply chain, system of monitoring and quality control of fuels© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.