from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
Proper implementation of the objectives and tasks of logistics and logistics management requires the gathering of appropriate resources, both material and immaterial. These resources are part of the (sometimes shared) many processes carried out in the enterprise, that mutual synergistic interaction largely determines the size of the financial result. A properly functioning logistics system can thus support the proper functioning of enterprises, but at the same time a number of other systems may have a positive or negative influence on it. Appropriate coordination of individual processes is possible only with a thorough understanding of the goals set before them and the role attributed to them in the enterprise. The key issue in this context is the proper management of knowledge and its associated processes. Correct, consistent with the current and future capabilities and objectives of the enterprise and the requirements of the environment, acquisition, dissemination and development of knowledge, can contribute to the synchronized targeting of the company's activities in all areas of its operation. The strategic role in this type of activities is played by people that are the only resource of a subjective nature with the capacity to make decisions and create and exploit the enterprise potential. This study attempts to analyze selected issues related to the company's management style, the existing variant of the organizational structure and the general assumptions of the knowledge management system. The main goal of the study was to identify trends and dependencies between these factors in the context of knowledge management from the point of view of improving logistics processes. The research, using the questionnaire, involved 105 enterprises (both production and service). In individual enterprise the questionnaire was each time filled in by the representative of the company's top management.
Keywords: Logistics, human capital, management of knowledge© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.