from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
Quality is a complex of different parameters. Some of these parameters are subjective, others are objective. Both academics and entrepreneurs are of the opinion that the main parameters of quality are defined by the customer. The level of the quality of logistic processes is related to changing process requirements and the ability thereof to achieve certain goals. The levels and potential range of logistics services are defined in the article. The range of logistics services is constantly expanding. Modern logistics processes must be faster, more effective, less expensive, and more flexible. The article is focused on selected tools of quality management for logistics services providers. The tools of quality management are oriented to HR management in the case of logistics service providers. The tools most important for human resources (here in after referred to only as HR) usage are defined based on primary research. The companies serving as the object of our research are the logistics companies DHL Express CZ and HOPI Inc. Our primary data were collected using the method of unstructured interviews. The current requirements for staff and for employers are defined in the article, which describes the current situation of HR management in logistics companies. The main result of the article is the description of the application of HR management tools as a part of quality management in selected companies, as examples of good practice. The illustrative single case studies show us the usage of the main tools for the fulfilment of quality requirements as a part of the basics of HR management. The article describes how the requirements are transformed within the framework of HR management as a part of logistic services development.
Keywords: Logistics services provider, customer service, KPI (key performance indicators) measurement of fulfilment requirements, staff motivation© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.