from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
Organising and coordination of goods and people transportation is the main area of city logistics and should be included in a policy pursued by city authorities towards various city space users. Unfortunately as far there is a lack of comprehensive approach on passengers and freight flows therefore in different issues they are treated separately. So, the strong need is worth noting to seek the best solutions leading to achieve city logistics goals and included in the people and goods transportation assumption.The main aim of my research is to find out which crowd logistics solutions are most effective and satisfying from the point of freight and passengers flows improving. The presented study is mostly based on interviewing main stakeholders engaged in city transport system problems: managers of transport and forwarding companies, passengers transport companies and city boards representatives. Moreover the research is based on the analysis of practical crowd logistics solutions and publications prepared by city logistics associations. In the theoretical part of the study, author uses existing materials from public resources. The findings of the research is gasping to present the advantages of integrating passengers and freight transport towards city logistics goals. The worth noting is that to advance operational integration of people and goods transport services, integrating at the business and institutional levels in this area are required.
Keywords: Crowd logistics, city logistics, passengers and cargo flows© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.