from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
Internet represents easy way to access global shopping opportunities. E-shops offer their customers various goods and services and after buying, they try to quickly distribute them to their clients. Some customers have a problem with electronic way of communication and distribution of goods. They want to pick up their goods directly from the seller or they should know where is the place for goods claim. These places are contact points of e-shops.This paper is dedicated to construction the real e-commerce contact points network through discrete allocation models. The contact points network consists from the nodes and links. The information about the orders of existing customers was used as a weight of the network nodes and network shortest road distance was used as a value for the links. The three variants of location of e-commerce contact points were found by using the facility location method (p-median). The all variants represent the opportunity for the best location of contact points in the conditions of Slovakia. The selected variant that will be applied in practice depends on company management.
Keywords: network design, ecommerce, contact points network,© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.