from the conferences organized by TANGER Ltd.
Systemic approach allows to see the production enterprise as a complex system of production and auxiliary facilities. In process approach, manufacturing makes the stream of materials flow through individual production cells in a mixed (serial - parallel) system, in a discreet way (in steps). Processing times are different at each stage. Element that connects individual production facilities are interoperable landfills, which perform the functions of semis storage departing from object N and magazine of deliveries for the next (N + 1) or another station. Chart flow of deliveries and acceptances at the time takes the stepped form. Parameters of steps depend on the processing time and batch size. In the actual manufacturing process (even in the long term), lines of supply and efficiency do not run parallel. The article presents the impact of work in process on interoperable inventory levels for the unit production on request.
Keywords: work in process (WIP), production system, production continuity© This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.